Anesthetics and EDS

This page will hold all the links I can find on the different effects of anesthesia in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (HSD) patients, both good and bad. No two patients are alike. Nothing below applies to all cases of EDS or HSD. Ever. Last updated 4/5/24.

Dental anesthesia

Dental Freezing (Numbing) Formula that works great for many patients with CTDs:

1/2 mepiva w/out epi, 1 art w/epi 1:100,000

“art” stands for “articaine”.*
*articaine and bruvidicaine has worked well for some others too

We need low to no epi mixed in or it goes out too fast. (Reference: dental numbing, dental freezing)

I’m adding the Pain and EDS links below too, since they’re related, though I will ultimately give them their own page.

Pain and Hypermobility Disorders of all kinds (HSD, EDS, etc.)