
Portland, OR native and sometime database programmer, musician and photographer, I hatched this blog to share my crazy individual journey discovering the hard way in 2012 that I had a likely genetic collagen defect called hypermobile (type) Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome in my mid 40’s after a very challenging lifetime of struggling to be medically heard and recognized until then.
I suddenly went from walking to wheelchair in 3 weeks in January 2012 during a so-called “storm” or cascade of onset of “hypermobile type” Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome aka hEDS, after a formerly very active life as a Balkan folk dancer, database programmer, gardener and photographer with some issues of course!
Needless to say this was rather abrupt and eye-opening for many, including my doctor and me who had both failed to give all my myriad odd symptoms much weight prior to that point. Now we both sat up and listened to my shattered body, and boy did it have a lot to say! I’ll say this much, being a subclinical EDS patient is very challenging.
I had struggled off and on with debilitating chronic fatigue, generalized joint pain, environmental sensitivity, fibromyalgia and depression through my 20’s and into my 30’s with varying levels of success. I was even diagnosed with the never well defined “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” in my 20’s, but felt that there was always something more going on.
I gave up trying to convince anyone, doctor or otherwise that something was organically wrong and just got on with life the best I could, finding my true friends along the way and struggling to keep up with “orthotypicals” (my term for people with normal collagen) in the work place. (I so no longer think I’m a wimp!) I even managed to travel to Europe and the Utah Canyonlands along the way, thankfully. Boy am I sure glad I did, as little did I know it would all come to a fairly screeching halt in early 2012 as described. The world wasn’t coming to an end in 2012, just mine as I knew it heh.
Thankfully I was quickly introduced to several incredible online support communities who helped guide me through the experience of getting diagnosed and most importantly, coping with my new found disability. (Thanks Jessie in Oz!) Oh, That’s Why I’m So Tired!
I quickly learned that there is a ton of misinformation and confusion “out there” around this condition, thanks to it being poorly known by several different names in different countries and medical disciplines and even more poorly (rarely) recognized by most doctors who don’t yet realize it’s really not rare anymore despite what they’ve been taught.
As I joined the online support community and started trying to find and provide answers, I learned how extremely important it was to get those answers right, lest I misguide an unknown number of fellow sufferers inadvertently with the mere click of a mouse. We are all point sources of information in the social media age. We should all take care to vet & verify our information, but not all do.
I also began learning about the seemingly endless variations on a theme of connective tissue disorder and related comorbidities you could possibly want, and boy are there a lot of them! Fasten your seat belts and get out your medical dictionaries and suspend your disbelief, it’s quite a ride.
That said, I will try not to overwhelm anyone if possible, and will note it’s important for patients to be as patient as possible with their new found information while they get their doctors and loved ones up to speed. We’re all stuck becoming medical educators to some extent.
Update 2019: A great place for doctors to start is the EDS Toolkit I helped co-author in 2017 and first published by the Royal College of General Practitioners in London. (Free for all to see and use though, not just doctors, nor just the UK! Now hosted by Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes UK, the org, not Society.)
Further, I will add the disclaimer that though somewhat smart and medically well-read and educated, I am not a doctor, and accordingly, nothing I share here should be construed as medical advice of any kind. Please consult with your preferred medical practitioner about your own individual health care, always!
That said, on a hopeful note, I want to re-assure my followers that having such a rapid and painful and disabling “storm” or cascade of onset is thankfully rare. (I now suspect both my late parents in hindsight and perimenopause plus stress for mine. A late paternal auntie also “fell apart” in her mid forties, and stopped being able to kneel in church and started using a walker and cane, so it clearly runs in the family.)
And I’m back out of the wheelchair after two long years of slow steady hard work in a warm water therapy pool and in my kitchen adjusting my diet and improving my nutrition, and foresee staying that way if I can keep this up. I now bike and swim better than I walk, but I do walk a bit again with just a Loftstrand (forearm) crutch. (I used to need two) cane now, thankfully.
I continue to be thwarted by a loose right leg socket, and loose upper thoracic spine, among other things. But I’m much better than I was in March 2012!
All this hard work recovering and maintaining is truly a full time job now. (You can now help me out with financial support here if you like and thank you!) So there is hope of recovery to at least some degree if not fully. Though I’m not done trying yet by any stretch, never fear!
I’ll add that I was a very “bendy” or flexible child (most intend this to mean “hypermobile”), able to perform “party tricks” like the splits, and walking through my hands bent over backwards like the Ross sisters do here until about age 10. Many of us go on to be performers of some kind, often dancers, (especially ballet), musicians or acrobats. (Yes, we’re “those” people.)
I stiffened up in my 20’s though, and forgot about my bendiness for the most part as I slowly launched my database career. Thankfully I remained fairly physically active though, which I’m positive helped me get as far as I did before succumbing to my “storm” of onset in 2012. None of my doctors picked up on my hypermobility and chronic joint pain as anything other than just “depression” or hormones, sigh, since nothing showed on x-rays or scans. (This is a common experience for many, especially women and other minorities.) I came two points shy of a “fibro” diagnosis at one point, but no dice.
So I sort of stopped listening, and just got on with life, until I became quite visibly afflicted. It takes 10 years on average to get diagnosed as of 2014 (still, 2024), though the internet and hopefully blogs like mine are slowly helping reduce this. It technically took me over 25 from first onset of noticeable symptoms. Ah, 20/20 hindsight! (Why I’m blogging!)
While some forms of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome are quite rare – some extremely so, thankfully, the type I have, hypermobile EDS (hEDS) is not. Experts now say the newly recognized (since 2017) Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders together with the most common hypermobile form of EDS together may run as high as 3.4% of the population. (Tinkle et al 2017)
I’d have to say I agree since falling down the unending rabbit hole of diagnosis in 2012 and continuing to learn large amounts daily ever since. Once your eyes are opened, you see EDSers or “zebras” as we call ourselves everywhere! Most are just not as visibly afflicted as myself, alas. I call them the Walking Wounded.
We’re the ones with all the diffuse non-arthritic joint pain (though often with early onset arthritis too) and troubles and tendonitis and muscle and tendon tears (among many other issues!)
It is truly one of the most unbelievably all-encompassing, systemic, mind-blowing and life-altering conditions you could ever wish for. I’d almost rather go back to being unheard, smile. Almost.
Humbly, Jan Groh, hEDS & MCAS survivor and advocate (@H2OhTWIST) Last updated 2/6/24

Hello! I randomly came across your blog. My fiancé’s sister had EDS (she passed away almost 2 years ago). She moved to Seattle to purse her dreams, where she finally found out what was wrong with her. This is something she struggled with her whole life… Doctors telling her she was faking it, etc! Along the way she met many people with EDS in and around the Washington area. I’m so glad I found your blog. She would be happy 🙂 Let me know if you would like to connect with more people around your area that struggle with similar things as you and UNDERSTAND (it’s hard to find people that get it).
Stay well,
Thanks for the note and encouragement Bethany. I’m so sorry for your fiance’s sister’s loss – that is tragic. I’m happy to share however that I am very well connected with the local support community here in the Pacific Northwest (Portland, OR specifically but Seattle, WA too) as I ended up leading the Oregon EDS Support Group for a year in 2012-13 and growing it from 25 to 250 in that time. We’re now up to almost 350 online on Facebook and growing daily. And I’m also leading the PNW Chapter of The Mastocytosis Society currently covering everyone from BC down to southern OR plus Idaho, so am acquainted with a good swatch of regional patients. (Most of the Masto and MCAS patients do eventually find they have a form of EDS too unfortunately – we still don’t know why, but the NIH is studying this comorbidity as I type.) But I appreciate the offer. Be sure to connect with OR EDS if haven’t yet yourself and send folks their way – I can’t agree more: it really really helps to find kindred spirits with this life-altering and crazy making condition. They are at http://oreds.org
How do I follow your blog?
Hi Kenny, I just looked on both my iPhone and my pc and I do have a “subscribe” widget on the bottom right hand side of all my pages you should be able to use. Just enter your email there and hit submit. It’s on the right hand side, underneath the “Follow me on Twitter” and “Follow me on Facebook” bits, which are under the “Recent Posts” and “Categories” lists. Let me know if you can’t find it and I can enter your email for you. Thanks for your interest!
I have decided at the ripe old age of 64 (next week) to gather as much info as possible on EDS – Hypermobile type and finally get a diagnosis. I happened upon on “When Else to Suspect Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome”. I just went through the list and can check off at least 37 things!
I have had 11 joint surgeries, fractured ankle, sprained it more times than I can count. Now have SI joint dysfunction. I am so worn down by the constant pain and would love to get some relief.
I have asthma, Celiac disease and recently diagnosed with autoimmune Limbic encephalitis and a type of epilepsy cause my a mutated gene.
I could go on but I think you get the idea. I wanted to thank you for having this site to refer to.
I recently found a very good primary care doctor and think when I see him and present all the info I have compiled he will be willing to listen and if he can’t help me at least point me in the right direction.
Thank you again for sharing your life so others may finally get help!
Aw thanks for your kind words Bridget, and I’m so glad to hear that my story and my website are helping to empower you to pursue a possible diagnosis for yourself now. It’s never too late, IMHO, and even though you’re in the latter half of your life, you can still inform younger family members who may also be affected too.
What a journey you’ve had – and much too typical I’m afraid. We are so stoic we just keep sucking it up and soldering on eh? Way to prevail despite so much pain and trouble. BTW, although EDS itself is NOT auto-immune at all, I’m finding it highly comorbid with all forms of autoimmune diseases as I describe here. I believe it’s because of our likely leaky guts and chronic inflammation from also highly comorbid MCAD (mast cell activation diseases – think “extra” allergies and sensitivities they can’t easily test for):
And check out my Diagnosing EDS page to hep prep for your doctor:
And then harvest all you want from the resources page(s) here too if you haven’t already:
Best of luck to you! Thanks for writing – Jan
I ran across your blog during a web search for connections between EDS and lymphedema, and love it! However, in one of your posts you stated POTS is characterized by low blood pressure and fainting. Neither one of these is diagnostic for POTS. The criterion is simple – a rise in pulse of 30 bpm when standing from a reclining position, or a rate of over 120 bpm. It is not necessary for the blood pressure to drop, nor for the sufferer to pass out. Many POTS patients never faint. Please make sure you are passing on correct information.
Thank you – I appreciate this feedback. Lord knows this is such a complex package of issues I’m bound to get something wrong, so I don’t mind added clarification one bit! And as I’ve confessed in at least one place, I’ve given POTS and dysautonomia short shrift so far, as I’ve been overwhelmed with EDS and MCAS the most myself. I’ll try to seek out and find where I said that. (Feel free to drop a link below this comment to help speed the process up for me.)
I’ve entertained this diagnosis before and am revisiting. So much pain. I’ve always been very flexible (hands flat on floor easily with little effort etc). But never any unexplained pain until early 2011. I can do reverse prayer position. Thumbs won’t touch wrists, though. Your remarks on rapid onset and progression to needing a wheelchair in only two weeks makes me wonder if something triggered this worsening somehow for me. Do you have any articles addressing this? For example, I would often squat to stretch. Almost overnight I started to notice popping and clunking of knees and hips. It sounds crazy, which I am facing dealing with some providers.
Funny, I went searching for “EDS onset cascades” and similar verbiage, and kept coming up with my own post – this page lol! But yes, it’s well known at least anecdotally among medical geneticists that people will seem to suddenly have a sudden worsening of issues and symptoms especially joint laxity after any trauma (car accidents, job loss, death in family, divorce, bad illness, etc.) and as I suspect, at periods of great hormonal change especially in women and people with female dominant hormone panels. So read: during pregnancy and childbirth when both progesterone and relaxin rise to permit you to pass the baby through your pelvis later, and also at peri-menopause which I’m finding can seem to onset almost any time after age 30, not just at 40-50. I strongly suspect this to be what happened to my elderly aunty and me who both fell apart suddenly in our mid 40’s.
It is well known that progesterone make your joints more lax, which Dr. Tinkle stated in his Joint Hypermobility Handbook (2nd edition with sunflower on the blue cover). I think this combined with highly comorbid MCAD (also rarely recognized) explains a good chunk of PMS symptoms in my unprofessional opinion.
And the (very complex, newly proposed) RCCX Hypothesis by Dr. Sharon Meglathery may explain why stress induces such an onset also here:
Hope that helps.
Hi, thank you for your wonderful writing that often puts a smile on my face! I tend to agree with your view points. My spine collapsed when I was still a child and I always wondered why… I thought it was due to being over sensitive to the stressors at home. Then became increasingly depressed and anxious as time went by and was written off by the time I’d struggled through university. Didn’t really like referring to myself as somebody with something as woolly as fibromyalgia… I’m now 51 and finally seeing how all the issues hang together. Yes, turning 50 appears to be a kind of crossing in its own right! I had not paid all that much mind to EDS previously due to the strict criteria. A bit of a relief to be honest! I imagine dealing with other people will get easier when I can refer to all my peculiar symptoms as just one syndrome with a respectable name!
Heh, we could be sisters, yes! So sorry for your painful journey but yes it is nice to have one hook to hang all this trouble on! Glad you were finally to connect all the dots for yourself too.
(And yes, why does all the fun begin at 50?? Lordy! I’m springing leaks and lapses everywhere suddenly… whee!)
I don’t read much for the obvious reason I can’t focus well enough, but I found your articles drew me in for your fluent style of writing but also because you do seem to have had a similar journey. I’m also a writer with a serious pour-out at 50, hah, albeit struggling, as I’m not writing in my mother tongue. I also used to be a photographer. Well-still am but iphonography it is now in lieu of lagging a Nikon around. Yes it’s a journey, something akin to that which some people call a soul retrieval though that’s not quite how I’d like to define it. No matter how much we’re torn apart, I don’t see anything regressive in this process. Nothing to retrieve, everything to gain, is how I see it. Hope to see you around! ?
Aw thank you for your kind words – I’m glad my writing was compelling enough to hold your attention. And I totally understand having to give up the Nikon… I can still hold mine, a little. But the iPhone is much easier now. And… as you surely know, we can get some pretty darn great pictures off of those still too. (It’s the photographer, not the camera, right?)
I also like how you’ve re-framed your experience into something positive. No looking back. Redefining life and success one day and issue at a time. Well done! I like to say “where there’s a wheel, there’s a way” myself… cheers. 🙂
Hello. I found your blog with the word storm. Most of my life I’ve had joint pain. I’m very bendy. I’ve hear Drs suggestions ranging from bones don’t hurt to maybe fibromyalgia. Three years ago I was working on my dads farm doing martial arts and could run a mile easily. One day everything changed. It started with a headache followed by stiff neck followed by extreme pain and fatigue. By the end of a year I couldn’t walk and sometimes couldn’t sit up. Test only showed inflammation. My new dr decided it was in my head. Six months ago I went to a new rheumatologist who diagnosed me with hEDS type three. I’m 71 years old and my health has improved but I will never be well. Do you think this was a storm?
Hi Lynda – what an interesting way to land on my blog! But glad it worked. I can’t say if that was an EDS onset “storm” or not, but it does sounds a little like one. Actually, it sounds to me like you had a bad illness, almost like meningitis (the stiff neck), and that could well have precipitated your onset cascade that got you diagnosed, yes. (Severe illnesses, traumas and stress all can precipitate onset cascades or “storms” like mine.)
I just don’t have enough info to go on to say with any certainty, and I’m not a doctor of course. I recommend this post for helping you to suspect hEDS further. But that’s my best guess based on your brief comment. And, fwiw, I’m sorry it’s so (if so), and I’ve found Vitamin C and magnesium to help me the most. You may have to find alternate forms to take if you react to the most common ones. HTH:
Thanks for sharing your story, very helpful. I’m just wondering what SSD is you said “Thankfully I can now, thanks to being on SSD.”
Oh, Social Security Disability, sometimes called “SSDI” for SSD Insurance. It’s what you get if and when you have paid into that program enough from W-2 work paycheck deductions. (I was lucky, I had worked just enough, and recently enough to qualify for it when I applied in 2012.) You have to have worked long enough and recently enough to qualify. Everyone else can only qualify for the bare bones SSI, or “Supplemental Security Income” program, which is for poor disabled people with insufficient recent or no work history in the US. HTH.