

The information on this website is for educational  purposes only and is not meant to substitute for any form of professional medical advice or health care. Jan Groh has asserted that she is not a licensed health care practitioner of any kind, and is only offering up personal insights and aggregated information on the topics presented from well-vetted medical sources. She has provided original sources whereever possible to this end.

By using this information you agree to hold Jan Groh and all her assigns and heirs harmless from any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from your use of any information contained on this web site. Jan also recommends strongly that you consult with your own preferred medical or health care provider about your own individual health needs and condition before starting or stopping any form of medical therapy, including over the counter nutritional supplementation.

Not only can some supplements interact with your existing medications (if any) in ways you may not be aware of, but many EDS patients are sensitive to even the most common substances and ingredients like corn starch fillers and ascorbic acid (the most common form of Viatmin C) for example, and no single solution or item will work for all.

Listen to your body and operate accordingly in concert with your doctor or health care provider no matter what you read here or anywhere else. If you are wondering if an issue is emergent (urgent, requiring the ER or A&E), do not consult the internet, but seek appropriate immediate medical attention! (Or help from a friend at a minimum! Pain and inflammation often cloud our brains from thinking clearly and making wise decisions.)



No part of this site or blog may be copied or used without express written permission from the author Jan Groh except in the form of re-blogging via WordPress.com with clearcredit to the original author when approved.

You are most welcome to link to this blog without requesting, and share the blog pages in forums as links, just don’t scrape the content and promote it as your own even with attribution. Thank you for honoring the hundreds of hours of personal research and compilation Jan has performed since 2012 to bring you this summarized information.

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To your health,

Jan Groh, patient, EDS advocate and author