Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources
How is your… mental health?

We find all manner and number of psychiatric and mental health challenges and diagnoses commonly co-occurring with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, especially depression and anxiety.

Unfortunately, too many doctors immediately stop listening to our complaints of very real physical pain and other trouble once these are identified. (Some of our family members do too.)

But that doesn’t stop them from deserving attention and treatment and support, even if we are diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder as well.

ETA 2023: I’m finding a LOT of complex PTSD, aka CPTSD (alternatively Relational or Interpersonal Trauma) common in the community. This seems to be common among neurodivergent people, especially autistics. I’m adding a few links targeting that especially too as I’m finding the role it plays in my own life now finally. I really like this particular broadcast of Think Out Loud by Dave Miller on OPB from October 2022 exploring just how helpful trauma informed teachers and doctors can be.

And I’m recognizing the combination or co-occurrence of ADHD and OCD, is semi-common among us. (Could explain hoarding for some of us along with the association between OCD and hypermobility noted since 2013.) As well as alexithymia, or delayed emotional recognition and processing.

ETA 3/1/22: I now highly recommend the course “Inside Autism” offered by Kieran Rose here:

Here are a few resources to that end. However, do not send me any unsolicited links, I will simply delete those requests. I am quite capable (as is my audience) of finding all I need by searching thank you. I’m not here to signal boost your site for ad clicks. (For some reason this topic is a honeypot for those seeking to do so.) Last updated December 28, 2023.

CPTSD and Codependency Support

I am NOT saying that HSD and the forms of EDS are due to trauma, but… I will say from personal experience that I feel strongly that childhood trauma, especially attachment and developmental trauma, can lend to a worse outcome later in life for those who carry the genes or traits of HSD or EDS. And, I have personally experienced stress and trauma to trigger onset cascades of joint instability since getting diagnosed myself in 2012. I believe this is thanks to my over-active mast cells responding and lending.

And, I’ve since realized that childhood trauma (walking on eggshells around an unstable/unsafe parent or carer, feeling unsafe for extended periods, being abandoned literally or just emotionally, having to be hypervigilant to stay safe) all lends to CPTSD and codependency in later relationships (even in the absence of any obvious substance use or addictions), in which we over function for others, at the neglect of ourselves. So I’m including that here too.

Also, I do not believe that trauma causes autism or ADHD as some professionals (like Dr. Gabor Maté) posit, but… I DO think it can exacerbate them, or lend to increased issues and symptomatology. I also can’t help wondering if all the DSM criteria for both are based only on traumatized kids/people? Just a thought…

Some YouTube channels that do a great job addressing CPTSD and trauma (no affiliations):

General Mental Health Support Sites and Blogs

EDS Resources
A precious spoon!

Journal Articles on the Comorbidity of Hypermobility, MCD and Psychiatric Issues

The following may include some duplication of the above. I pulled it from the relevant subsection on my MCAD Resources page:

Mental Health and Mast Cell Activation Diseases (Masto and MCAS)

Send other suggestions and inquiries to us at or via the contact form in the menu thanks.

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