Selected Posts and FAQs
I’m adding this page as a place to refer to all of my top most selected posts. These are blog posts that I refer to the most, and I realized the other day that I tweet them out regularly, but, not everyone is on Twitter! So I’m calling them “Selected Posts” here, since I can’t “pin” them any other way. Followed by my top most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
If my site helps you in any way at all, would you please consider supporting me a little too? Thanks!
Bonus: Dental Freezing (Numbing) Formula that works great for many patients with CTDs:
1/2 mepiva w/out epi, 1 art w/epi 1:100,000
“art” stands for “articaine” *
*articaine and bruvidicaine has worked well for some others
We need low to no epi mixed in or it goes out too fast. (Reference: dental numbing, dental freezing)
Selected Posts and FAQs
- The Hypermobile Red Herring – how measuring hypermobility is misleading as a sign of EDS/HSD
- When Else to suspect an EDS or HSD – some of the myriad signs that you may have a connective tissue disorder (see next section for How to Diagnose EDS/HSD.)
- Peeling the Diagnostic Onion – how we often stop short after diagnosing our most common co-occurring conditions
- But I’m a Horse Redux 2019 – how we feel strongly that EDS is STILL not rare, just rarely diagnosed! (And yes, even post-2017.)
- Avoid Cipro! – why you should avoid Cipro and the other fluoroquinolone antibiotics, especially if you’re hypermobile
- Weight and EDS and MCAD – how our weight can vary GREATLY, in either direction, and often for reasons we cannot easily control if at all, including highly co-occurring lipedema.
- Wherefor art thou – Dysautonomia? – how we are so prone to all forms of dysautonomia
I will continue to add to this list over time. I also need to drum up some kind of fun image to go with the page. Last updated January 30, 2023.

Suspecting HSD or EDS
- When to suspect EDS (or HSD)
- When Else to suspect an EDS or HSD
- What are the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes?
- What are the (new since 2017) Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders?
- How do I go about getting diagnosed with either an EDS or HSD?
- Fatigue and EDS
- Sleep and EDS and MCAD
- Anxiety and EDS
- Depression and EDS
- EDS Resources
Suspecting MCAD of all types
- What is MCAD (all forms)
- When to suspect MCAD (all forms)
- Finding your MCAD triggers (when possible)
- MCAD Resources
Dysautonomia and EDS and MCAD (“The Trifecta”)
- Wherefore art thou Dysautonomia?
- What is POTS
- What is Hyperadrenergic POTS (HyperPOTS)
- What is Familial Dysautonomia aka Riley-Day Syndrome (not the same as “POTS in the family”)
- Dysautonomia Resources
I will continue to add to this page as time and energy allows. Stay tuned for updates. Thanks. Jan. Feb, 2023.