MCAD Support

picture of a rainbow in the Columbia Gorge
Hope and help

Mast cell disorders are poorly known yet worldwide alas, so finding patient support groups is often a sanity and even literal life-saver for many with these disorders.

I strongly urge joining The Mastocytosis Society to help bring awareness, funding and interest by doctors to this medical condition, and receive excellent support around the world. (Diagnosis not required – we’d have very few members if that were true since diagnoses are very hard to come by for these disorders.) They also have an active Facebook Group you can join as well. (Membership not required, just encouraged.) It may even be free as of 2017.

You can also find additional support via the (old) EDNF forum on Inspire:

FYI the EDNF morphed into The Ehlers-Danlos Society in May 2016, with a new international scope, but their forum on Inspire may still refer to the old EDNF is why I mention it. We find MCAD of all kinds so highly comorbid that it is frequently discussed there as well.