Related Research

Related Research

I was collecting links to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome related research here starting in 2019, including research into our many comorbidities.

But I just (February 2020) came across another resource who is doing a more automated job than I, so I’m going to point you there too:

Ehlers-Danlos Treatment Report (first seen in 2020 via the NYC EDS group).

I also found the search page for studies of Connective Tissue Disease at the NIH too showing all results there, including closed trials. Via here.

And, new in 2021: The Russell Norris Lab at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) pivoted to studying the gene(s) for hEDS three years ago after a doctoral student shared her EDS diagnosis with Dr. Norris (aka Chip). They are actively soliciting DNA samples from anyone who has been diagnosed with hEDS or suspected hEDS to help potentially find more mutations and genes involved. (They feel strongly as I do that there will be multiple found in time.) Email them at: for more information and to get involved.

And via TEDS December 2021: ““Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS) and hypermobility spectrum disorders (HSD): destructuring the fibroblast secretome to define bioactive molecules and disease mechanisms, and in vivo translational studies” has found some interesting results using doxycycline on hEDS fibroblasts in vitro. Dec 2021

And, there are several bits of research being funded by the Ehlers-Danlos UK charity shown here.

Last updated 03/10/23

Organizations also tracking and or funding some research include:

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