My Diagnautistic Journey

CW: Discussion of bullying, childhood emotional abuse, neglect and the larger charities and voices promoting prevention and fear of autism and curebie culture. June, 2022: I originally intended to get this out during April 2022, for Autism Acceptance Month, but alas, life conspired to delay me again. Good news – I dodged what we thought

October is Extra

My long time followers may have noticed that I update my home page every month under News and Events to talk about whichever comorbidity or comorbidities (plural, often) it is the awareness month for. E.g. September was both Chronic Pain and Chiari awareness month. Two much too common comorbidities for all of our liking, sigh.

Depression and EDS and MCAD

I really need to include anxiety in this post as well, as the two – depression and anxiety – seem to go very hand-in-hand for a large number of us. No surprise, this is true for the commonly comorbid autism spectrum as well, coincidentally. Maybe we’re finally onto some of the underlying organic causes of