Tag: depression

Reframing autism and more

I know, you came here originally to learn about a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I originally came here to write about a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome after experiencing a massive onset “cascade” or storm of symptoms that got me diagnosed finally at 45 in 2012. But like Alice down the rabbit hole encountering

Anxiety and EDS

I’m writing this post while listening to the replay of The Anxiety Summit produced by Food and Mood Gal Trudy Scott this week (June 16, 2016). And I am not surprised to find myself falling down yet another rabbit-hole, with yet more rabbit-holes attached! (Are you?) And unfortunately, I must say I’m finding anxiety, whether

The Chronic Constellation

Fasten your seatbelts and settle in with a snack (again), you’re in for a bit of a long ride, smile. I’ll try not to make it too bumpy! (Last updated February 25, 2023.) Hopefully you’ve heard of “The Trifecta” by now – that is, the relatively common trio of issues we find comorbid in the

Depression and EDS and MCAD

I really need to include anxiety in this post as well, as the two – depression and anxiety – seem to go very hand-in-hand for a large number of us. No surprise, this is true for the commonly comorbid autism spectrum as well, coincidentally. Maybe we’re finally onto some of the underlying organic causes of

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a feather flock together. And although we like to call ourselves medical “zebras”, for the purposes of this discussion I’m calling us birds to honor the age-old adage. Because we definitely flock and hang together whether we realize it or not, diagnosed or not from what I can see. I keep finding increasing

Cooking up solutions

I’m cooking up lots of helpful solutions for all of us afflicted souls, literally as I type this. Meanwhile this is a quick house-keeping (place-holding) post to let my slowly growing reader base know that I’m working hard on sharing the “What to do about it” aspect as soon as I can. The trick is, I’m trying to decide which