Tag: fibrymyalgia

When Else to Suspect Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Author’s note March 16, 2017: Since the brand new updated criteria and nosology for all forms of the now plural Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (13 of them as of 2017) and the brand new category of Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders JUST came out, please bear with me as I get my site updated to reflect this. Accordingly, please take

January is Thyroid Awareness Month

January is Thyroid Awareness month, and I bring this to your attention at this time because a majority of the patietns I’ve met in person with any form of the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (or Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders since 2017) seems to also show signs of SOME form of thyroid imbalance. But quite frequently hypothyroidism or under-active

2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for my blog. Although I’m no where near as popular and well read (nor prolific) as some of my fellow spoonie bloggers yet (I’m struggling to stay fed and watered still), I’m quite happy with my initial foray this past year, reaching 47 countries and 7100