Tag: blogging

Happy Fifth Birthday Oh TWIST!

Lordy time flies you guys! I was just updating my WordPress theme and all my plugins tonight ahead of upgrading to Gutenberg when I realized I’ve been running this blog for five years now, wow! Happy Birthday to me! Both me and the blog have moved a couple of times since 2014 – hopefully fairly

Housekeeping February 2018

Sorry for any recent confusion, but I’m still working out how to retain existing and capture new subscribers to my blog on my new platform since moving hosts late last month. (Same great content, just in a new, spiffier container!) I just put out a test blog post last week, and it appears no one

2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for my blog. Although I’m no where near as popular and well read (nor prolific) as some of my fellow spoonie bloggers yet (I’m struggling to stay fed and watered still), I’m quite happy with my initial foray this past year, reaching 47 countries and 7100