Housekeeping February 2018

Sorry for any recent confusion, but I’m still working out how to retain existing and capture new subscribers to my blog on my new platform since moving hosts late last month. (Same great content, just in a new, spiffier container!) I just put out a test blog post last week, and it appears no one got notice of it.

So I’m sending this short housekeeping post out to test things again, and point you to the last post here:

Weight and EDS and MCAD

And, apologies to any of you who thought you were signing up for a newsletter last week – that was a small design mistake on my part. I wasn’t quite ready for that stage yet, so have re-jiggered the widget to just subscribe you to my blog posts via the RSS feed like I had it before. (You can unsubscribe at the bottom of any post you get by email from me.)

I do intend to start a separate newsletter in addition later, which will also include more time-

graphic depicting confusion
Confused for a minute

sensitive information about my upcoming book and any speaking engagements I may have. But I’m not quite ready yet! (Oh for that 25th hour in the day!)

I will let everyone know when and where they can sign up for that when the time comes. You haven’t missed anything, I promise. Meanwhile, go back to sleep! You probably need it! I know I do!

Again sorry for any confusion. I sure hope this update works. And we’ll have things running smoothly again after this. I’ve learned a lot more about WordPress this month than I ever knew before! Huge thanks to my good friend who has helped guide me through this big migration. I didn’t realize how much I’d written in just 4 short years… nor just how many hooks and details you could hide the devil in on this platform!

I now return you to your normal programming… (self-care, resting, reading, pestering your doctors…).




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