Tag: collagen

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a feather flock together. And although we like to call ourselves medical “zebras”, for the purposes of this discussion I’m calling us birds to honor the age-old adage. Because we definitely flock and hang together whether we realize it or not, diagnosed or not from what I can see. I keep finding increasing

Our Stories of Strength coming out May 2015

I’m thrilled to share that my short “story of strength” was included in the first edition anthology of Our Stories of Strength: Living With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome that came out on Kindle May 8th, 2015 for EDS Awareness Month! And as of June 1, it is now also in Print on Amazon too! It is co-edited

2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for my blog. Although I’m no where near as popular and well read (nor prolific) as some of my fellow spoonie bloggers yet (I’m struggling to stay fed and watered still), I’m quite happy with my initial foray this past year, reaching 47 countries and 7100

Of Christmas Ghosts and Spoons

I’m borrowing liberally from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol for this post. This December 2014 I’m thrilled to find myself ever so slowly climbing back out of the hole I fell in when a metaphorical “bomb” went off in my life three years ago and I succumbed to my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome onset cascade in early 2012 leaving me wheelchair bound

Down the EDS (and MCAD) rabbit hole…

Alice in Wonderland doesn’t hold a candle to me – or anyone else with Ehlers-Danlos Syndome of any kind, I’d say. As long, winding and mind-bending as her journey down her rabbit-hole seemed, the journey of an EDS patient has an unending supply of twists and turns that would make even the Cheshire Cat blush.