Tag: pain

Slow your roll with me

Huh? What do you mean by that, Jan? Well… I’ll tell you. As my long time followers know, I slowly uncovered and recognized and diagnosed both my autism, and more a propos to this post: my ADHD recently in the summer of 2021 at 54. Finally, I had some additional answers for my mental and

Go slow until you know

Caveat: the following does not constitute medical advice, but merely education and illustration of one case. Talk to your doctors and other practitioners before starting or stopping any medical therapies, whether prescribed or over the counter. While there is no cure for the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and the newly invented Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (since 2017) yet,

Peeling the Diagnostic Onion

This isn’t going to be a post on how specifically to diagnose the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) or Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD) per se, as that’s already been covered here. Rather, I want to draw attention to the many “red herrings” or false leads that we and our doctors often identify and manage to recognize and

Beware of Gatekeeping

I’m doing a lot of warning lately, aren’t I? “Beware of Hammer Syndrome” last month. And now, “Beware of Gatekeeping” this month. Hey, it’s October 2018 as I’m hatching this post, so it sort of fits with the Halloween mood, right? (Beware of Ghosts! Boo!) Editors note: This post was first made available in early

Weight and EDS and MCAD

This post is apt to be fraught with emotional triggers and landmines due to the nature of the subject itself. Weight loss and management have been a sore point for millions of people for many years, especially in the post war era in the so-called “first world” when big oil and the chemical industry radically

Introduction to MCAD June 2015

As the current coordinator for the PNW Chapter of The Mastocytosis Society covering the greater Pacific Northwestern region of the US plus a few neighboring Canadians, I’ve been eager to help educate both patients and doctors as much as possible to this collection of diseases involving mast cell activation that goes so rarely diagnosed. Alas