Tag: spoonies

Go slow until you know

Caveat: the following does not constitute medical advice, but merely education and illustration of one case. Talk to your doctors and other practitioners before starting or stopping any medical therapies, whether prescribed or over the counter. While there is no cure for the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and the newly invented Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (since 2017) yet,

Gaslighing Syndrome

TW: CW: discussion of gaslighting and abuse and medical PTSD We rolled out an entire new classification and diagnostic scheme for all of the 13 forms of the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, as well as a brand new category for those who aren’t quite bendy enough called Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders almost two years ago now, in March

Wherefor art thou Dysautonomia?

“Homeo(stasis)… oh homeo(stasis)… wherefor out thou dysautonomia?” to mangle a phrase with apologies to all you brilliant Shakespeare scholars. And mix some medical metaphors to boot. Anyone who’s been exploring either the Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (including the forms of EDS) or the highly comorbid Mast Cell Activation Diseases (all forms of mastocytosis, but also the

The Chronic Constellation

Fasten your seatbelts and settle in with a snack (again), you’re in for a bit of a long ride, smile. I’ll try not to make it too bumpy! (Last updated February 25, 2023.) Hopefully you’ve heard of “The Trifecta” by now – that is, the relatively common trio of issues we find comorbid in the

Depression and EDS and MCAD

I really need to include anxiety in this post as well, as the two – depression and anxiety – seem to go very hand-in-hand for a large number of us. No surprise, this is true for the commonly comorbid autism spectrum as well, coincidentally. Maybe we’re finally onto some of the underlying organic causes of

Our Stories of Strength coming out May 2015

I’m thrilled to share that my short “story of strength” was included in the first edition anthology of Our Stories of Strength: Living With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome that came out on Kindle May 8th, 2015 for EDS Awareness Month! And as of June 1, it is now also in Print on Amazon too! It is co-edited

2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for my blog. Although I’m no where near as popular and well read (nor prolific) as some of my fellow spoonie bloggers yet (I’m struggling to stay fed and watered still), I’m quite happy with my initial foray this past year, reaching 47 countries and 7100