Happy Birthday Oh TWIST!

I just realized while talking to my friend recently that my blog was four years old this month, January 2018. How the time has flown! So I decided to wish myself Happy Blogging Birthday, and treat my site to a makeover.

Happy Birthday Oh TWIST!
Happy Birthday Oh TWIST!

Yes, I’ve been radio silent here for a bit as I’ve been super busy trying to keep up with my first part-time job in over six years (OMG it’s hard!), and my first job of any kind since becoming fully disabled six years ago by this lousy constellation of issues suddenly for no apparent reason.

No you haven’t missed anything! Indeed, I haven’t published a post in at least two months I think, though I continued to steadily tweak and update my resources and home pages in that time, while continuing to slowly write my book. I’m so close to being done I can almost taste it! But the devil is in that last 10% as always… never mind needing to quash the perfectionist who will never stop revising.

Meanwhile, my friend is helping to treat me to a site “make-over”, which you will see soon as I migrate to a new host this month. We’ve been busy sprucing up every single page and post behind the scenes, and I must confess: I had no idea just how many I’d managed to produce in the last four years, even though I don’t consider myself prolific! At least not compared to some chronic bloggers I know who post at least weekly or more. It turns out that I’ve averaged at least one post or page per month since I started, and sometimes more. That’s well over 50 pages to touch and update, phew! (Soooo glad I have such generous help!)

Anyway, we’re almost done, and I’ll be pressing the “transfer” button by the end of the month if not sooner. I hope you like what we’ve cooked up. It’s not super fancy, but hopefully a step-up from what I’ve been able to sling out on my own in a hurry here. Same great content, just gussied up a bit.

Thanks for following me all this time, both here and on Facebook and Twitter. I’m not “going” anywhere, just re-emerging, better, faster, stronger than before. Kind of like the Jandroid herself, eh. Oh TWIST 2.0 – with better SEO? Smile. And feel free to support me at any level you can with a donation here. This really helps me to stay in the life-saving supplements I need to maintain this massive undertaking despite my hypermobility, plus continue to pay for both my website and Buffer app which helps me Tweet daily.

But even just sharing my site really helps otherwise, so don’t feel bad if you can’t give any money. I will continue to make all of my content available to everyone for free. I just may make some of it available early to some patrons soon, but eventually to everyone in time. Among other things like Skype consults and more, depending on level of support. Let me know what if anything you’d like to get or see from me and I’ll give it consideration.

See you on the flip side!

Jandroid 3.141592658

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