Medical Education Opp for Doctors

Medical Education Opp for DoctorsSorry for my radio silence recently – I’m pleased to say I’ve been consumed with recovering from busting not one, but TWO huge (for me) moves recently I will share more about in another post soon. (They both involve bridges, stay tuned!)

Meanwhile, I just can’t help sharing sooner than later the newly announced FIRST EVER one-day Physicians Conference on EDS is to be held Monday, September 15, 2014 at the newly opened EDNF Center for Research and Clinical Care at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

But it gets better – unlike yours truly who hauled her broken body across the country for the 2013 EDNF Learning Conference for patients in Rhode Island, your doctor doesn’t even have to travel! They can attend via live webinar, from the comfort of their home or office.  (No fair, smile). AND they will be offering CME’s (continuing medical education units) for this also. (I’m sure that’s meant as an incentive to get our doctors to attend this first ever PHYSICIAN Conference on EDS).

NB this really is for PHYSICIANS only. (Finally! The first such opp!) Patients will still need to wait for next year’s annual 2015 EDNF Learning Conference which is now slated to also be held in Baltimore. And no, that cannot be attended via webinar – it is a multi-session, multi-day event. Besides, I can’t recommend making the effort to attend more highly. You learn SO much more in person and make lifelong friends. (And trust me, plenty are in wheelchairs and braces, like I was, using schleppers and scooters as needed). Besides, they always do make most of the sessions slides available after wards for those who cannot. (If I can do it last year in my broken body, you can do it! Start fundraising and saving your shekels now.)

This marks a new chapter in increasing awareness and improving medical care and diagnostics for the millions with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome everywhere. It’s one thing for patients to try to educate their doctors. It’s SO much better for them to hear it from their esteemed colleagues themselves.  And the presenters at this Physicians Conference are some of the very top EDS experts and doctors in the world.

MedicI want to personally thank EVERYONE who made this possible through hard work and donations to the EDNF through the years. And the dedication, time and planning on the part of Dr. Claire Francomano and her colleagues without whom this wouldn’t be possible.

This is huge, you guys. I know, I know, too many of you have NO educated doctors in your area. But…please be patient, stay strong, keep educating as best you can, and point ALL your doctors and their friends to this first ever educational opp! Finally, they can stop taking OUR word for everything! (We really do suffer as much as I’ve described all over this website, and more, sigh.)

Thanks everyone!

Jandroid 3.0 (better, faster, stronger than in 2012)



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